Creative Mojo, Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Celebrate 2011 with Creative Mojo and me, LIVE

every Wednesday!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Just log onto for a brand new 2-hour, Creative Mojo with Mark Lipinski!

3 pm -5 pm EST    2 pm – 4 pm CST

1 pm – 3 pm MST    12 pm – 2 pm PST

Creative Mojo with Mark Lipinski is the place to oil your creativity, get unstuck, share your ideas, voice your opinions, have a few laughs, and take a break from the world.


Call in with your questions or comments  for my guests

and win a PRIZE!

(877) 864-4869

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Now, you can subscribe to the FREE iTunes podcast, or listen anytime on under the ‘podcasts’ menu!  CLICK HERE to get to iTunes!

Here’s who’s on the next

Creative Mojo with Mark Lipinski —

And my co-host is . . . .

You’re going to love

Greeting Card Designer

Joey Heiberg

About Joey:

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Joey who dreamed of being a famous artist or a back-up dancer for Tom Jones.  Her dreams took an unusual twist when, on her 33rd birthday, she wandered into a local shop.  Her prince charming began talking to the proprietor (who was really her Fairy Godmother!) and told her about Joey’s wacky and whimsical artistic abilities.  Her Fairy Godmother immediately asked Joey to make some window jewelry displays for all the people in the kingdom to see.  Joey ran all the way home and in no time at all, whipped up some very cool displays out of some white mice, a few pumpkins, aluminum wire and screens.  To her amazement, the displays sold out faster than you could say, “Bibbidy, bobbidy, boo!”

For months, Joey toiled away.  The locals bought every jewelry stand she made.  But, alas, Joey was getting bored.  She knew she should be happy with her success, but Joey wanted more.  She wanted to be a real artist.  She wanted to make tall and lanky ladies called dolymamas made out of steel who would sit on shelves and have handbags where their complaints would be written.  Ladies that would”speak” to girls of all ages.  So, her Fairy Godmother waved her magic wand and told  Joey to schlepp her wares to craft and trade fairs.

Lo and behold, dollymamas were a wonderful success with the locals.  Soon, Queens, Princesses and Ladies-In-Waiting from kingdoms far and wide were traveling days over mountains and rivers to buy Joey’s dollymamas.

When it seemed life couldn’t get any better for Joey, a sorcerer appeared and asked to license dollymama statues.  Joey could now sit at home like a Queen and make royalties!  Then Joey met the Good Witch at Pictura who told Joey she could be even more famous if she would paint dollymamas on magic paper for greeting cards.  Joey jumped with joy as she realized her dreams of being a famous artist came true!  And, as the say, she lived happily ever after.

The End?    Or Just The Beginning!

CLICK HERE to visit Joey’s website!

Call and chat with Joey and me and win a prize

(877) 864-4869

Then . . .

Quilt Out Loud is now available on DVD!

. . . Get your copy of the first season of Quilt Out Loud from my Mark Lipinski store by clicking on this link:!

I laugh it up with my Quilt Out Loud co-host and friend  . . .

Jodie Davis

Here’s a little about Jodie:

Jodie has worked long and hard to realize her dream job: designing, writing, and traveling to bring the joy of creativity to people all over the world. Through the books she writes (thirty-plus so far), her designs for magazines and TV, and the videos she creates for, Jodie aims to inspire others to jump into the fun of quilting.

For Jodie, creativity is a way of life and she has a knack for marrying her profession with her other passions. Her quilt shop cuckoo clock, inspired by a trip to Germany sold out. A rubber duckie collector, Jodie designed and imported her own quilting rubber duckie and now her duckie designs are showing up in her quilts and will soon be swimming on fabric at a quilt shop near you. It’s all good, clean fun!

Take a look at our original Quilt Out Loud  promo piece!

Call and chat with Jodie and me and win a prize

(877) 864-4869

I’m also chatting with author Noah Scalin

(photo by Mark Mitchell)

Noah Scalin is a Richmond, Virginia based artist & designer. He is the creator of the Webby Award winning art project Skull-A-Day which was the basis of his first book, Skulls. Noah’s art has been exhibited in museums and galleries internationally including the Mütter Museum in Philadelphia and the International Museum of Surgical Science in Chicago. Noah runs the socially conscious design & consulting firm Another Limited Rebellion, which he founded in 2001 and is also an adjunct faculty member at Virginia Commonwealth University. Noah frequently lectures on creativity for schools, businesses, and other organizations.

Click HERE to learn more about Noah and visit his website.


about his book…

A Daily Creativity Journal: 365 Make Something Every Day

And Change Your Life!


The book offers 365 project prompts to kick start your creativity, plus plenty of room for journaling, sketching, and jotting down ideas. Learn how to choose your subject and document your work, and see examples from other artists and crafters who took the 365 challenge. In addition, master new techniques to incorporate into your projects, including quilling, clay-making, paper pop-up engineering, and more.

Click HERE to buy Noah’s book

Creativity Only Works with Discipline!

I love what Rick DiBiasio has to say about giving it all up and living your creative dream. He did it.  I did it.  So can you!

Rick DiBiasio

Here’s a little Rick instruction for creativity  . . .

Here’s a little about Rick’s website, . . .

Welcome to Middle Aged Crazy, the place where you can let your very own Creative Beast come out and play. I’m author Rick DIBiasio and after a business career I discovered my creativity.

Funny thing happened on the way to the Opera, I realized I was an artist. My curiosity and appetite for learning new things and expressing myself creatively finally bubbled over and I learned to enjoy life. The creative people who have become a part of my community helped me to realize that there is more to life than business and I learned, in talking to my “business friends” that they all had a Creative Beast within.

Middle Aged Crazy is the other side of the business coin and this blog is my open source research for my next book and, hopefully, a place for we emerging artists to hang out and support each other.

So if you always wanted to take cooking lessons, play guitar, learn a few dance steps, write a book, make wine or learn a foreign language:  I’ll share with you my experiences, I’ve done them all. As I try new things, like an upcoming Improv Camp, I’ll tell you about my experiences and maybe make you laugh at me or with me.

But, it’s not just about me, tell me about your experiences, join our discussions, claim your space, I’m delighted you are here!

We all used to sing at the top of our lungs, color outside the lines and understand that we were artists, then, somehow, we stopped letting ourselves experience the joy that comes with creation. Middle Aged Crazy is about reconnecting with joy, with unleashing our Creative Beast.

CLICK HERE for more information Rick, and his website, Middle Aged Crazy

Call and chat with Rick and me and win a prize

(877) 864-4869

Stress and Creativity . . .

I get to chat with therapist, Lisa Riley about the effects of creativity when you’re under stress   . . .

Lisa Riley, MA, LMFT


Here’s a little about Lisa  . . .

Lisa Riley is a licensed Marriage & Family Therapist. She has spent the last eight years counseling creative individuals such as artists, musicians, writers, and actors on issues unique to the creative person. With her background as an artist & designer along with her exploration of the creative process, she understands the unique qualities of the artistic personality. Lisa strives to help others better understand themselves as creative individuals and learn to integrate all aspects of the artistic personality in order to reach their creative potential.

Prior to her career in therapy, Lisa received a Bachelors of Fine Arts fromArt Center College of Design in Pasadena, and has worked as a graphic designer for over 14 years with clients such as Toyota, Nestle, Kaiser Permanente, Nissan and Deloitte & Touche, to name a few.

Deciding to return to her first passion, she went back to college and received a Masters of Arts in Psychology from Phillips Graduate Institute. Since then she has integrated her two main passions into her practice – Creativity and Psychology.

Lisa is also a member and an instructor for the Creativity Coaching Association. She currently teaches a course that is required for individuals interested in becoming a certified Creativity Coach.

She has written various articles on topics relating to creativity and the artistic personality, which can be viewed on this website as well as on The Art of Mind Blog.

Lisa continues to express her own creativity through oil painting, visual journaling, photography and writing.

CLICK HERE to visit Lisa’s, The Art of Mind,  website

Call and chat with Lisa and me and win a prize

(877) 864-4869

Heirloom Couture

I get to chat with fiber artist and designer  . . .

Joanne Kliejunas

Here’s a little about Heirloom Couture . . .

Heirloom Couture was created in 2007 by Joanne Kliejunas, a textile artist in Ashland, Oregon, as the vehicle for repurposing textiles that are damaged and no longer used or seen.  HC creates one-of-a-kind garments using art textiles, including commissions of custom garments from patrons’ cherished heirlooms, or pieces Joanne has collected.

Hand-crafted textiles by women, whether highly-skilled works of art like expert quilts, rugs, and embroideries or homey table linens, dishtowels, and hankies have long had a place in Joanne’s heart – and her storage closet.  Over decades, she has built a worthy collection of pieces, suspecting they had a role in her future work.   HC was percolating. . .

After a suggestion from a creative spirit, Anahata, and through a budding relationship with a superb quilt gallery in Ashland, Fourth Corner Fine Quilt Gallery,, Joanne experimented with damaged quilts from the 1860’s – 1930’s to design and create from them chic and surprising coats.  The earliest Heirloom Couture creations were shown and sold there at Fourth Corner.  Many of these coats can be seen at Antique Quilt Coats.

Elegant linens were the next draw, especially those with indelible spots and irreparable tears that kept them off tables and beds. Magical accidents connected Joanne with two antique linen purveyors in South America.  Through them, she has acquired spectacular antique European tablecloths and sheets of a quality seldom seen in the US.  Too damaged for their original uses, Joanne repurposes their elegant detailing into skirts and jackets that are eye-popping.

Repurposing is the passion of Heirloom Couture. Artists long gone imbued their creations with energy and spirit. Each fashionable Heirloom Couture garment conveys their gifts into our everyday lives.

HC prompts the question, “Why wear a piece of clothing when you can wear a work of art?”

Here’s a little clip of Joanne she taped while sitting on the Board of Directors for the Ashland Independent Film Festival

For more information on Joanne, her wonderful Heirloom Couture, and to visit her website, CLICK HERE!

Call and chat with Joanne and me and win a prize

(877) 864-4869

Art at the Speed of Life

Love the book and I think you will too!   Meet the talented author and artist . . .

Pam Carriker

Pam is the author of . . .

Here’s a video of Pam teaching an ATC project and layering technique . . .

Here are some examples of Pam’s work . . .

CLICK HERE to visit the Pam’s website

Call and chat with Pam and me and win a prize

(877) 864-4869


The Creative Mojo Book Pic is

To sample a couple of chapters in the  book or to order a copy CLICK HERE

Here is an interview with Neil White . . .

All of this plus  LOTS MORE

On Sale NOW!


Get the same mugs my guests and I use during the show in three fab-o colors . . .



and Mojo LIME

To purchase any or all  of the Got Mojo? mugs visit the Mark Lipinski store at


psychic medium Silvia Rossi’s new show

Make Contact with Silvia Rossi

Every Wednesday at 2 PM on (right before Creative Mojo)!

See you there, cupcake!   xoxom

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3 Comments on “Creative Mojo, Wednesday, January 12, 2011”

  1. January 14, 2011 at 5:17 PM #

    I just listened to the most recent show, and I loved it as usual. I wanted to share an article on creativity that you may or may not have seen, but I thought it was really interesting and food for thought. It appeared in Newsweek this summer, and sparked a good bit of conversation between my husband and me.

    I am so sorry to hear about your father. My brother and I lost our dad several years ago, and it is a strange and sad time, I know.


  2. January 15, 2011 at 4:50 AM #

    Awesome! Thank you for all of the great info! This is my new favorite site!


  3. Rhonda Laws
    January 15, 2011 at 12:02 PM #

    Jean, thank you for sharing that article. VERY interesting. I wish more schools were creative in their curriculum implementation.


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